Gina Martin Adams
Marvin Chen
彭博行业研究股票策略师 Marvin is a BI Equity Strategist covering China and North Asian equities. Marvin has over 10 years of research experience covering Greater China. Prior to joining Bloomberg, he spent over 8 years at J.P. Morgan, beginning with the economics team, covering Asia regional and Greater China, and later expanded coverage to include China equity strategy, bringing a macro top-down approach. Marvin also has sector research experience covering China financials at various sell-side brokerages.
彭博亚太区首席经济学家 舒畅博士是彭博亚太首席经济学家,常驻中国香港。她曾在国际清算银行、香港金融管理局和英格兰银行工作。舒畅博士编著了《货币国际化:人民币的国际经验和意义》和《系统性风险:亚太地区的跨境金融联动》。